Since the 18th century - under Spanish government - Galveston was an important port and trading hub. In 1900, as well as in 2008, the city was badly hurt by hurricanes, but always rebuilt. Today it's a favorite spring break destination with long beaches, (souvenir) shops and restaurants along "The Strand" (the main street with its historic buildings, pic above), the Seawall Boulevard (along the oceanfront) with shrimpers rowed up and a huge cruiseship harbor on one end. It sure has some sort of "New Orleans flair" and, also, Galveston's Mardi Gras Parade is famous.
Besides historic home like the Moody Mansion (pic above) and the great Western Art Bryan Museum (above), the Moody Gardens - consisting of three pyramids containing a rainforest, an aquarium and special exhibitions - is the city's main attraction.
And, tomorrow, Rodeo time will start,,,
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