Sonntag, 2. Februar 2020

Farewell to "The Elko"

It's over, the "Elko Blues" has set in. Four full days packed with fantastic music and poetry, films, discussions and speeches from 9 am to 10 pm ,,, and now,,, silence. Have to get used to this, again, and get into the "Aloha Mood". The pic above is from the exhibition they were showing in the Western Folklife Center about famous black cowboys, the one besides it shows the only comic with a black cowboy as a main character.

The morning started out with an interesting presentation about Holistic Management and grasing land on ranches, attended mostly by local ranchers, no fancy-dressed California "city dwellers" in the audience this time.

Next: some more of Geno Delafose and Wylie, this time in a smaller, more intimate setting ,,,

Drove into town afterwards to visit the Cowboy Arts & Gear Museum, and, back again to hear "Cowboy Stories", told by three black cowboys, an old rodeo cowboy (Jim Brooks), a young charismatic Texas cowboy and cook (Kelvin Arnsworth) and an Oakland cowboy by name Pete Taylor. So much fun when they talked about Cowboy dress code, roping styles and "cowboy vernacular" (the cowboy lingo).

At the "Artist Meet & Greet" we bid farewell to Californian cowboy John Dofflemyer, before we headed back (only a 5 min. drive) to the G Three Bar Theater for our first evening show "Straight Chutin' Champions". World's only and best poetry slammer Paul Zarzyski (photo on the right) kicked off the show, followed by newcomer/singer-songwriter Cat Clifford (pic below, left), an Oglala Sioux from Pine Ridge Reservation. Henry Real Bird (right photo) is a Crow Indian from Little Big Horn Valley, a staple at the Gathering and a stage-filling character. The evening was ended by a young black singer, Miko Marks, with an amazing voice. She was completely overwhelmed by the warm welcome she's got at her first appearance in Elko.

Second evening show in the large Auditorium in the Convention Center was called "Stay a Little Longer". Dom Flemons, again (can't get enough of this guy!), followed by Western Swing with Hot Club of Cowtown from Austin/TX. What a great bass player (not only good-looking!) and violinist Elana James was superb, too. At the end Dom Flemons (and a dog) joined them and they all delivered a great finale of NCPG 2020. Even the violinist's dog was enthusiastic on stage!

Fantastic event, getting better every year. Need to get back next year,,,
But right now, need to get out since snow is coming in.

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