Sonntag, 13. April 2014

Back to Reality...

Arrived home on Friday noon. Flights were on time and smooth and our friend Silvia picked us up at MUC. Didn't sleep on the plane, but stayed awake until 9 pm, nevertheless. Since then, laundry, putting stuff away and the apartment in order, grocery shopping and the garden kept us busy and up and going. Fortunately, the weather is fine, unfortunately we are horribly tired.

Our 7-week trip is over, it's been an interesting trip, and we are back to everyday life, meaning we'll be back in the office full-time tomorrow morning. Two books to be accomplished this week. Looking forward now again to reading your emails (and/or comments) and, as always, won't let an email unanswered.

I enjoyed writing the blog, though it was an awful lot of work and required quite a bit of discipline in the evening to regularly keep up with it. Hope you all enjoyed reading it, knowing myself that it was anything else, but perfect. We plan on continuing the blog as sort of a weekly column. Will possibly call it "Wonders of America" and write about the things we noticed being so different in the U.S. compared to Germany. By doing so, we would love to get your comments. So, please, stay tuned, thanks for your attention and for making me proud of the 1100+ clicks.

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